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Iowa Scholastic Clay Target Program, Inc. (Iowa SCTP) & Iowa Scholastic Action Shooting Program (Iowa SASP)

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NEW in January 2025 for recognition in 2026:

Click here to nominate a shooting sports coach or shooting-sports advocate who deserves recognition!
Nominations are open annually from January to July.

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  • Sat, Mar 29
    Otter Creek Sportsman's Club of CR
    Mar 29, 2025, 8:00 AM
    Otter Creek Sportsman's Club of CR, 9001 Milburn Rd, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, USA
    In this Trap clinic, Kolton and Nicole will teach athletes the basics of trap shooting, and for more advanced athletes, instructors will evaluate form, technique & fit. It is required that parents or coaches accompany the student-athletes for this class; bring your own equipment. See event details.
  • Mar 29, 2025, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    Otter Creek Sportsman's Club, 9001 Milburn Rd, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, USA
    Introduction to American Skeet & Skeet Doubles with clinicians Ryan Smithart & Brendan Appel. This clinic is one full day.
  • Sat, Mar 29
    Otter Creek Sportsman's Club of CR
    Mar 29, 2025, 1:00 PM
    Otter Creek Sportsman's Club of CR, 9001 Milburn Rd, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411, USA
    This is an introductory Trap Doubles class, Kolton and Nicole will teach athletes the basics of doubles trap. To sign up for this class, it is recommended: - student-athletes average is 18 or 25 in singles trap - parents or coaches accompany the student-athletes to class Bring shells and a gun.
  • Sun, Mar 30
    Aim High Shooting Co (Salem/MtPleasant)
    Mar 30, 2025, 12:00 PM
    Aim High Shooting Co (Salem/MtPleasant), 1753 295th St, Salem, IA 52649, USA
    In this Trap clinic, Kolton and Nicole will teach athletes the basics of trap shooting, and for more advanced athletes, instructors will evaluate form, technique & fit. It is required that parents or coaches accompany new student-athletes to this class; bring your own equipment. See event details.
  • Fri, Apr 25
    Waukee, New Pioneer Clay Target Center
    Apr 25, 2025, 3:00 PM – Apr 27, 2025, 4:00 PM
    Waukee, New Pioneer Clay Target Center, 31454 312th Pl, Waukee, IA 50263, USA
    Clinician Dave Miller will come to Iowa and share his Guinness Book of World Records win, share his knowledge of mindset with sporting clays for coaches for two days, and on the last day you can incorporate skills learned with two of your student-athletes.

Coaches Skeet Clinics
March 22-23, New Pioneer Gun Club, Waukee
March 29 - 30, Amana Sportsmen's Club, Amana

Year Established

Student Athletes


Certified Coaches


National titles
won by Iowa Athletes



Established in 2006, the Iowa Scholastic Clay Target Program, Inc. is committed to supporting organized youth, high school, and collegiate clay target and action shooting programs across the state of Iowa.  As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the primary functions of Iowa SCTP, Inc. are to raise money and provide funding and financial support to Iowa programs and their coaches.

With support provided by our sponsors, Iowa SCTP, Inc. and its volunteer board of directors have been able to provide funding and therefore more opportunities to school and club-based teams, coaches, and shooting sports student-athletes.  Below are just some of the efforts Iowa SCTP, Inc. has created for Iowa youth clay target programs:

  • The Iowa SCTP, Inc. provides training opportunities (as funding is available), and assists with a portion of clinic registration reimbursement.  The group has also assisted with training through the subsidizing fees for target, ammunition, and food costs for coaches attending sponsored coach certification courses.  Clinics or courses may include

    • annual Iowa SCTP Coach Conference

      • providing a day of knowledge sharing, networking, and expert speakers to help improve coaching and skills 

    • the NRA/USA Shooting Level I coaches course,

    • the National Skeet Shooting Association (NSSA) Level I Instructor course,

    • National Skeet Shooting Association (NSSA) student-athlete clinic,

    • National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) Sporting Clays student athlete clinic,

    • International Trap or USA Shooting and

    • Trapshooting.

  • The Iowa SCTP Inc. provides funding for awards for Iowa State Championship programs.

  • The Iowa SCTP Inc. provides fundraising opportunities for local programs through Midway USA Foundation-sponsored raffles. These raffles are designed to satisfy short-term and long-term funding needs by providing cash for the season AND building the team's Scholastic Shooting Trust Account.

  • Contact us




Iowa shooting sports is team based

The Scholastic Clay Target and Action Shooting Sports Programs are team-based programs that are changing the lives of grade, middle, high school and collegiate students nation-wide and in Iowa.
Through this organized program, student-athletes are learning lifelong skills such as firearms safety, teamwork, respect for self and others, mental focus and self-discipline.
Find a team in your area, today.
For more information on how to start a program, contact the 
Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Lifelong skills

While training with a team and competing at various matches with a team, young shooters will develop life lessons like winning, failing, and problem solving, all while allowing them to become a better team player and eventually a mentor themselves.
Teams are lead by certified coaches, practices are conducted, and local matches are held with neighboring teams. In-season competitions lead up to Championships in early summer, annually.

Education & Financial Support

The Iowa SCTP is an arm of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation. The national SCTP has >14,000 athletes participating nationwide each year.
The Iowa Scholastic Clay Target Program, Inc. is committed to supporting organized youth, high school, and collegiate clay target shooting programs across the state of Iowa through continued education for coaches and athletes. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Iowa SCTP, Inc. can raise money, and provide education and support to Iowa programs and their coaches. 

Click here to see examples of training hosted for Iowa SCTP coaches and athletes.


The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) is a team-based clay target shooting program that is changing the lives of shooting sports athletes from elementary to college in Iowa.  Through organized clay target and action shooting, student-athletes are learning lifelong skills such as firearms safety, teamwork, respect for self and others, mental focus, and self-discipline.  The Iowa SCTP Board of Directors (BODs) assists in supporting Scholastic Shooting Sports programs in Iowa.  The IowaSCTP Inc. plans and funds the annual Iowa Shooting Sports Coaches conference, provides educational opportunities and skill enhancement for coaches and athletes, sponsors awards for state championship events, communicates with national and state partners, enhances the experience of shooting sports in Iowa


Tina Elwood Gehrke



Cal Norris



Larry Gay



Jeremy Rydl



Chris Brindley

Vice-President - Collegiate


Guy Thomas

Board Member – International Skeet and President (at large)


Mark Little

BOD - American Skeet


Tina Elwood Gehrke is a longtime advocate of the outdoors and shooting sports.  Tina is active in shooting sports as a certified trapshooting coach and is a civilian marksmanship program (CMP) instructor.  

Tina volunteers her time as a leader of the Ely American Legion Sharp Shooter precision shooting program and Corridor Clay Crushers shooting sports team with student athletes between Iowa City and Waterloo.  She was was instrumental in starting a trapshooting team at Kirkwood Community College. 
Tina has assisted nearly a dozen Eastern Iowa schools start or grow their SCTP programs in their schools. 
Tina enjoys hunting and fishing and introducing the outdoors to others.


Mark Little has a no-nonsense approach to his passion and instructing of shooting sports.
Mark assists with coaching the Oskaloosa Shooting team, and while he has experience at all disciplines trap, skeet, sporting clays and international/bunker trap; his true passion is skeet.  Mark is an NSSA certified coach and has shared his knowledge with hundreds of student athletes.  
Mark also volunteers at the Mahaska County Izaak Walton League chapter and is an advocate for youth and shooting sports.


Chris Brindley is the Head coach of the Des Moines Clay Crushers. Chris has experience in managing this Club Based team and coaching multiple disciplines and he himself shoots Trap, Skeet, international Skeet, and Sporting Clays.
Chris takes pride in teaching young kids, first timers the technique of shooting the clay target game. He has been a Waterfowl hunter since the age of 8 and enjoy the shooting sports program. Chris’ favorite discipline is Skeet. He has spent much time as an NSSA instructor and enjoys the opportunity to mentor and teach young adults the skills involved in successful shooting sports.


Do you have a background in marketing, business, finance or web-design?
Do you have audio/visual experience?

The board could use these skills - if this sounds like you, reach out to us so we can chat about our open Secretary position.


Larry Gay has been a long time advocate of youth shooting sports. Larry is currently co-head coach of the Oskaloosa Shooting team, a school-based team shooting trap, skeet, sporting clays and international/bunker trap. Larry has been a solid supporter of youth expansion as president of his Izaak Walton League chapter and has been a driving force behind the international skeet expansion in Iowa.


Guy Thomas is president of the Iowa Scholastic Clay Target Program, Inc.  Guy is a passionate international-style skeet shooter and has a tremendous amount of experience in the Olympic-style clay target sports.  Through his competition experience, he has had opportunities to work and shoot with many members of US National and Olympic clay target teams.  Guy is coach of the Des Moines Area Clay Crushers SCTP Program and is a NSSA as well as NRA/USA Shooting Certified Coach.

Site updated 2025

Site created © 2022 Iowa SCTP Board of Directors

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